Vermont Governor’s Snowmobile Advisory Council (VGSAC)
Meets monthly on the first Wed of the month at the VAST office at 3pm.
Those who regularly participate in monthly meetings:
5 General Appointments by the Governor
Chair: Pat Poulin
Governor Appointee Regional Representatives: Jim Hill (Northwest), Mike Mustachio (Northeast), Jeff Halpin (Central) and Stan Choiniere (Southern).
State Representative Appointments
Vermont Senate:
Vermont House: Matt Walker
Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife: Sr. Game Warden Jenna Reed
Vermont State Police: Sergeant Jacob Metayer
Vermont Sheriff’s Association: Sheriff Marc Poulin
Southern Vermont Taskforce (Chief of Policy Association): Paul Doucette
Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles: Mike Smith and Shannon Fassett
Vermont Forest Parks and Recreation: Claire Polfus
Cindy Locke, Executive Director
Matt Tetreault, Trails Administrator
Gary Nolan, VAST Multi-Use Trail Committee Representative
This is a very active council. Topics around safety and law enforcement are discussed and possible legislative changes are often proposed regarding safety. In addition, the council oversees a budget made up of money received from the State of Vermont from the gas tax, fines and penalties and snowmobile registrations. This is a budget of a little under half a million dollars a year.
Expenses include but are not limited to snowmobile trail signs, law enforcement patrol, law enforcement equipment grants, VAST equipment grants (groomers), trail mapping and safety education.
Meeting Minutes
January 2025, Coming Soon!
July and August 2024, No Meeting Held
July and August 2023, No Meeting Held
August 2022, No Meeting Held
July 2022, No Meeting Held
October 2021, Coming Soon
August 2021, No Meeting Held
July 2021, No Meeting Held
June 2021, No Meeting Held
March 2021, Coming Soon
SSTP Budget