VAST awards two $2,500 scholarships annually for the Bill and Mitzi Oakes Scholarship.

VAST's "founding father and mother", Bill and Mitzi Oakes while attending a local banquet.
Click here for the story of Bill and Mitzi Oakes that was published in the 25th Anniversary of VAST News
Download Scholarship Information
It is the intent of this program to provide financial assistance to deserving applicants who are seeking higher education.
Applicant Qualifications
The applicant must be pursuing higher education beyond the secondary level at a College, University or Vocational/Technical School. They must be a member of the association and/or a spouse or dependents of the member.
Program Rules
1. Each year there will be two scholarship awards made. The Board of Directors shall establish the amount of these awards.
2. The Scholarship and Recognition Committee shall advertise the availability of these awards commencing three months prior to the application deadline. This shall be done in Snowmobile Vermont Magazine. Secondary schools shall be notified of scholarship award availability.
3. The applicant must complete a VAST Scholarship Application form. Only completed applications will be considered. All of the following must accompany the application:
a. An official High School or College transcript, whichever applies.
b. Recommendations in writing from at least two teachers, counselors or another school administrator.
c. Recommendations in writing from one or two friends, employees or members of the clergy.
d. Proof of acceptance at a College, University or Vocational/Technical School.
e. An essay, 500 words or less, in one of the following areas:
- The relationship between landowners and snowmobiling in Vermont.
- Development and maintenance of the Statewide Snowmobile Trails System.
- Safe, courteous, lawful and responsible use of snowmobiles.
- Preservation and protection of our environment, as related to snowmobiling.
- Economic benefit of snowmobiling to Vermont’s economy.
- An essay, of their choice, about snowmobiling in Vermont.
4. All applications should be postmarked no later than March 1, of the current year. Applications received after that date will not be considered. Applications shall be mailed to:
Attn: Bill and Mitzi Oakes Scholarship Award
26 VAST Lane
Barre, VT 05641
The Scholarship and Recognition Committee shall establish a process for judging the applications. It shall include at minimum the following criteria: Financial Need, Transcript, Essay, Recommendations, Extra Curricular and Club/Association Involvement. All applications shall be judged in the month of March and the winners will be notified, in writing, within five working days.
The applications of the top finalists will be forwarded to the Northeast Chapter of the International Snowmobile Council where they will be considered for further awards. The number of finalists submitted shall be in accordance with the Guidelines of the Northeast Chapter at the time of submission. The top finalist will have the opportunity to apply for the C.J. Ramstad Memorial Scholarship through the International Snowmobile Media Council.
The winners shall be eligible to receive their awards upon successful completion of their first semester of study. At that time, they must submit a certified copy of their transcript to the VAST office. After review, checks will be forwarded to the recipient’s school for processing.